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Flugzeug ✈️

Simplicity, Agility, and Robustness

What is Flugzeug?
Flugzeug is a backend framework that seeks the following: Simplicity, Agility, and Robustness, always giving the option of Flexibility in case you need something more custom.
Processes are proposed from the design and modeling of the database, conversion from diagram to code, and steps to achieve basic and common processes or functionalities such as log in / password recovery, user permissions, CRUDs, etc.
Batteries Included
From the moment you create a project with Flugzeug, it already includes features such as user management, permissions, sending emails, CRUDs with advanced queries, and more.
Developer Experience
Flugzeug seeks to reduce repetitive tasks for developers, while presenting a logical and easy-to-understand structure.
flug modelflug controllerflug service
@ApiDocs(true) @Table({ tableName: "hero", }) export class Hero extends BaseModel<Hero> { @ResponseRequired(true) @RequestRequired(true) @UpdateRequired(true) @Column({ type: DataType.STRING, allowNull: true, defaultValue: null, }) name: string; }

An easy way for creating resources. Use Flugzeug command for creating models, services and controllers.

Built with Flugzeug